The Manizales bullring held this Tuesday the third Feria bullfight where the matadors Antonio Ferrera and Juan de Castilla came out on shoulders and shared a total of six ears, three for each one. The Santa Bárbara cattle ranch from Bogota, complied with a well presented, brave and brave, colorful bulls, highlighting the fourth bull that went around the ring in the dragging and all of them were applauded at the start of the bullfight. Antonio Ferrera was willing and dedicated in his lot, with the first bull that he fought at medium height and put the bull to the muleta, which transmitted and came to more having great quality on the right side. He cut an ear. With the second of his lot, the bravest and with genius he crashed into a wall that held the tables and did not diminish in their conditions, came with force to the horse. Ferrera placed a carious and lucid third of banderillas receiving a standing ovation from the audience. The faena was heartfelt and he took the bull through the middle, tempering and commanding the bull to place a thrust of almost immediate effect and managed to get two appendices. Emilio de Justo, in spite of the good intention and forms, could not round off his faenas, with the first one that showed danger he heard silence and with his second one he was dedicated but did not have options to show off, it was the bull with less potability and just force, he saluted to the third. The Colombian Juan de Castilla fell on his feet in a square that was delivered from beginning to end. With the first of his lot, noble and with transmission, he was temperate, the muleta of power that took the bull long and with his feet glued to the ground. The thrust was worth two ears. The bull that closed the bullring was more dangerous, again Juan was planted in the middle of the bull and did a commanding job, showing resources and technique. He cut an ear and a standing ovation. So far, it has been the most complete and interesting fiesta, highlighting that when the bull comes out into the ring, the excitement and interest in the stands is tangible.