corrida de rejones en Tizimín

Fauro Aloi y Guillermo Hermoso rivalizan en Tizimín

A triumphant bullfight was experienced in the Yucatan town of Tizimín, where the audience, which packed the plaza, enjoyed from beginning to end of an exciting celebration thanks to the dedication displayed by Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and Fauro Aloi, who competed and came out on shoulders after fighting the bulls of Rancho Seco, which sent an excellent run of bulls.


Spurred on by Hermoso’s triumph with the bull that opened the bullring, to which the Navarrese had cut two ears, Fauro came out to show his face in the second bull, to which he did an intoned performance in which he shone in several passages of the bullfight, although the bull was soon extinguished. He received the Rancho Seco bull riding “Mangérico”, to later take out “Faraón”, with whom he executed two extraordinary quiebros. Then came out “Chato”, with whom he stuck two “banderillas al violín”, and finished the performance with “Máximo”, a horse with whom he placed a short “banderilla corta”. Unfortunately, he made two jabs before the final “rejón de muerte” and gave a lap around the ring.

With the tail cut off by Guillermo in the third bull, the afternoon had become uphill for Fauro, but he spared no effort with a beautiful Murube bull that closed the bullring, to which he did a vibrant work that began riding “Mangérico”, to later bring out “Atila” in banderillas and culminate his work nailing a short banderilla on “Máximo”.


The supreme luck was consummated after a jab in the middle, after an effective rejón de muerte, and perhaps this prevented him from being awarded the tail, but he was awarded the two ears and so both riders left the arena on shoulders, amidst the racket of the public who enjoyed a magnificent bullfight.

This was Fauro Aloi’s third bullfight in a row in Yucatan bullrings, including his performance at the Monumental Merida on January 1st, as well as the one he fought yesterday in Peto, where he cut two ears. In addition to this afternoon’s triumph, the dynasty horseman began the year with very good omens for the upcoming bullfights on his agenda. The next date is Saturday, February 22 at the “La Luz” bullring in Leon, where he is announced in another bullfight in the company of Jorge Hernandez Garate and Guillermo Hermoso himself, to fight Rancho Seco bulls again.




Tizimín, Yucatan. Bullfight of fair, of “rejones”. Full “Sold out” (about 4 thousand 200 people), in a pleasant afternoon.


Rancho Seco bulls, well presented and good in general, of which 1st, 3rd and 4th stood out for their quality.


 Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza: Two ears and two ears and tail.


Fauro Aloi: Turn and two ears after request.


 Incidences: The Forcados de Aposento da Moita performed three pegas with a lot of exposure and shared the laps of the ring with the rejoneadores. At the end, the two riders went out on shoulders with the breeder Sergio Hernández Weber.


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