Feria de Manizales

Arcila’s will and dedication in Manizales

Under a heavy rain and a static crowd, the fourth bullfight of the Feria de Manizales, Colombia took place where the local bullfighter conquered the ring with tenacity and hunger for triumph.


It is worth mentioning the few opportunities that Colombian bullfighters have inside and outside the country, where bullfighting events are increasingly reduced and prevents the constancy of their careers. Reason that was not an impediment this Wednesday afternoon for Arcila to show place and technique.


Bulls from the Las Ventas del Espíritu Santo ranch were fought, well presented and with age but lacking in strength, and in their majority, showing gentleness from the moment they were greeted. The most outstanding bull was the one that closed the Plaza, a cinqueño that allowed the game and under the incessant rain in the arena, managed to show its qualities, nobility and transmission.


José Arcila built a faena with a rough and tame bull with which he took water from the stones, managed to put it to the muleta and under an accurate thrust to get the first ear of the afternoon.


To close the bull, he structured the bullfight based on tempered tandas with depth in the middle. An accurate lunge that ensured him the cut of one more appendix and the exit to the shoulders.


It was not the same for Miguel Angel Perera, who tried to show off with his lot, but the gentleness overcame the bullfighting and although he was willing with the fourth, the failures with the estoque and the multiple attempts of descabello, dissipated any chance of triumph.


On the other hand, Daniel Luque tried with bullfighting skills to string together a faena that fell apart with the tame second. With the fifth bull of the afternoon, he opened his mouth and ended his presentation with a sharp estocada (thrust).

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