Emiliano Gamero recibe el trofeo Luchador Olmeca 2024.

AMT Honors Mexican Bullfighting and Emiliano Gamero

The Mexican Association of Bullfighting (AMT), part of the Mexican Sports Confederation (CODEME), will present the prestigious “Luchador Olmeca” Trophy to rejoneador Emiliano Gamero in recognition of his remarkable career in Mexico and abroad. Over the past two years, Gamero has excelled with campaigns in Europe, including two appearances at Las Ventas Bullring in Madrid, Spain.


Reconocimiento de la AMT al toreo mexicano en 2024.


Additionally, the ceremony will include the induction into the CODEME Hall of Fame, the only federated sports body in Mexico that honors bullfighting. For 2024, the inductees are matador Miguel Espinosa “Armillita chico” and breeder Raúl González González.


Inducción de Miguel Espinosa al Salón de la Fama de la CODEME.


The proposals were submitted by Congressman Pedro Haces Barba, president of the AMT, to the CODEME committee, led by Francisco Cabezas Gutiérrez, and were unanimously approved.

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